Flat or inverted nipples, reconstruction of the NAC
There are many problems of the areola and nipple that may require surgical intervention. Flat or inverted nipples make breast-feeding extremely difficult and spoil the aesthetic appearance of the breast. At the other extreme, very large nipples (hypertrophic) are also a problem as they are too prominent under clothing. Lastly, reconstruction of the nipple-areola complex (NAC) after a mastectomy or a trauma, is the final touch to give the reconstructed breast a natural appearance. There is also a surgical solution for very large or asymmetrical areolas.
Nipple and areola surgery (inverted and hypertrophic nipples, asymmetric areolas)
Duration: 0.5-1 hour
Anaesthetic: Local
Hospitalisation: Not necessary
Time off work: Not necessary
Reconstruction of the nipple-areola complex (NAC)
Duration: 0.5-1.5 hours
Anaesthetic: Local +/- sedation
Hospitalisation: Not necessary
Time off work: Not necessary