Blepharoplasty and brow lift
These procedures are designed to remove excess skin and fat bags around the eyes. Eyelid aesthetic surgery is called blepharoplasty, which may be performed on the upper or lower lids. The scars are usually hidden in the natural folds, in the case of the upper eyelid, and on the side of the conjunctiva for the lower eyelid. In some cases, these procedures may be complemented by a correction of the drooping eyebrows (brow lift) or the wrinkles around the eyelids (crow’s feet). This gives a more rested and attractive appearance.
Upper lid blepharoplasty
Duration: 1 hour
Anaesthetic: Local
Hospitalisation: Not necessary
Time off work: 1 week
Lower lid blepharoplasty (transconjuctival)
Duration: 1-1.5 hours
Anaesthetic: Local +/- sedation
Hospitalisation: Not necessary
Time off work: 1 week
Eyebrow lift
Variable, depending on the indication and technique