The reference in cosmetic surgery around the lake of Geneva
Choose your procedure
You deserve to look and feel your very best !

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Botulinic toxin
“Nobody is young after forty, but you can be irresistible at any age”
Coco Chanel
From CHF300.-
Other treatments : Hyaluronic Acid, Peelings and Lasers, Ulthera

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Breast Augmentation
"In a woman, it's often the cleavage that dresses her.”
- Jean Théodore Delacour
From : CHF7'400.-
Other treatments : Implants Replacement, Nipple and Areola Surgery, Crisalix

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"The curve is the geometric line of beauty and happiness."
- Joséphin Péladan
From CHF2’000.-
Other treatments : Coolsculpting®, Injectables and fat transfer, Thighs and legs

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Hyaluronic Acid
“A beautiful face is the sweetest of all shows.”
- Jean De La Bruyère
From CHF400.-
Other treatments : Botulinic toxin, Injectables and fat transfer, Cellular Therapies

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Nose – Rhinoplasty
“What is art other than when shapes become style.”
- Jean-Luc Godard
From CHF7’000.-
Other treatments : Crisalix, Hyaluronic Acid, Eyes and eyelids

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Eyes and Eyelids
“The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.”
- Audrey Hepburn
From CHF3’000.-
Other treatments : Botulinic toxin, Hyaluronic acid, Face lifting

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Face lifting
“The face is the mirror of the soul.”
- Cicéron
From CHF7’000.-
Other treatments : Neck lift, Ulthera, Hyaluronic acid

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Smile, Mouth and Lips
"The most beautiful curve on a woman's body is her smile. "
- Bob Marley
From CHF400.-
Other treatments : Hyaluronic Acid, Fat Injection, Peelings and Lasers

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Buttocks Reshaping
“I'm not ashamed of what I am and that I have curves. I like my body.”
- Alicia Keys
From CHF4000.-
Other treatments : Liposuction, Injectables and fat transfer, Thighs and legs

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“Who does not mind his belly, will hardly mind anything else.”
- Samuel Johnson
From CHF6’000.-
Other treatments : Liposuction, Coolsculpting, Body Lift

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" The human body is the most beautiful work of art "
- Jess C. Scott
From CHF750.-
Autres traitements : Liposuccion, Abdominoplastie, Bras

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" Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been. "
- Mark Twain
From CHF900.-
Other treatments : Face lifting, Hyaluronic acid, cellular therapies

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Breast lift
" A full, round and well-positioned breast is one of the strongest existing symbols of femininity "
- Anonyme
From CHF5’000.-
Other treatments : Breast reduction, Surgery of nipple and areola

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Breast reduction
" We are closer to the heart when the breasts is small. "
- Louis Bouilhet
From CHF9’500.-
Other treatments : Breast lift , Surgery of nipple and areola

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Hair grafts
“ As they get older, men do not become wiser. They lose their hair, that's all.”
- Francis Ford Coppola
From CHF6’000.-
Other treatments : gynecomastia, Intime surgery for men