
What is hyaluronic acid?

There is a wide range of solutions specifically designed to counteract the various signs of aging that our skin and face can experience over time. Among these treatments, hyaluronic acid occupies a privileged position due to its remarkable properties and multiple benefits for the skin.

Hyaluronic acid (HA) plays a key role in keeping our skin hydrated and firm. Naturally present in our bodies, hyaluronic acid is a molecule found in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, where it fills spaces and contributes to skin hydration. As we age, the hyaluronic acid content of our skin diminishes by around half, leaving less hyaluronic acid available for hydration. This leads to dry, dull skin, with fine lines and wrinkles on the face and rest of the body. The face becomes hollow in places, which can make you look tired, sad or slack.

Because of its benefits, hyaluronic acid is widely used in cosmetic products, such as creams, serums and masks, as well as in aesthetic medicine with hyaluronic acid injections.

Hyaluronic Acid Injections in Aesthetic Medicine

Thanks to scientific and technological advances, it is now possible to inject hyaluronic acid to restore the skin’s moisture levels and volume, while smoothing out wrinkles and giving our face and body a more youthful, revitalized appearance.
The use of hyaluronic acid in aesthetic medicine has many advantages. As a substance naturally present in our bodies, it considerably reduces the risk of allergies or intolerances. What’s more, the results of hyaluronic acid injections are immediately visible, offering almost instant gratification.
In the expert hands of an aesthetic medical practitioner, it is also possible to rectify various imperfections that are not solely linked to aging. For example, a receding chin or irregular nasal bridge can be corrected. Thanks to a detailed analysis, it is possible to modify and improve the appearance of a sad or closed look, a tired or hard face, or to accentuate masculine or feminine features according to the patient’s wishes.

Hyaluronic Acid Injections for the Face

The face is one of the most commonly treated areas with hyaluronic acid injections. This procedure helps fill wrinkles and folds, restore lost volume, and redefine facial contours. It can be used to treat nasolabial folds, perioral wrinkles, cheek hollows, and under-eye circles.

In addition to its volumizing effects, hyaluronic acid also improves skin texture. It stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, two essential substances for skin health and firmness. Hyaluronic acid injections can thus enhance skin elasticity, reduce acne scars, improve complexion, and enhance skin quality.

Hyaluronic Acid Injections for Lips

Hyaluronic acid injections are highly popular for increasing lip volume and improving lip shape. They help achieve plumper, better-defined, and more balanced lips or simply give them a more hydrated appearance. Hyaluronic acid can also smooth vertical lines around the lips.

Hyaluronic Acid Injections for Buttocks

Hyaluronic acid injections can be used to enhance the appearance of the body, including the buttocks. They can increase and reshape buttock volume. These hyaluronic acid injections offer a treatment alternative to implants and surgical solutions.

Hyaluronic Acid Injections for Hands

Hands are often overlooked when it comes to aesthetic care, yet they can also show signs of premature aging. Hyaluronic acid injections can help revitalize the appearance of hands by filling hollow areas, reducing the appearance of veins, and improving skin texture.

Hyaluronic Acid Injections for Neck and Décolleté

The neck and décolleté are sensitive areas that can also show signs of aging. Hyaluronic acid injections can help smooth wrinkles, firm the skin, and restore lost volume in these areas, achieving a more harmonious and youthful appearance.

Hyaluronic Acid Injections for Arms

Arms can also benefit from hyaluronic acid injections to enhance their appearance. This procedure can improve skin firmness in this area.

Expertise for Revitalized Skin

During the initial consultation, prior to any aesthetic procedure, our physicians assess skin quality, identify areas needing intervention, and discuss the patient’s goals. This step is crucial for understanding each individual’s expectations and offering personalized treatment. One of the highly popular areas in recent years has undoubtedly been the lips. Their well-defined contour and ability to reflect our emotions make them a favored zone for interventions.

Longevity of Results

Hyaluronic acid is naturally absorbed by the body, meaning that the results obtained through injections are temporary. However, the duration varies depending on the product used and the treated area, ranging from 6 to 24 months. This longevity allows patients to enjoy the results for an extended period before needing another hyaluronic acid treatment session.

Other treatments


What is hyaluronic acid?

It is a molecule naturally present in our bodies, primarily in the skin and subcutaneous tissue. It plays an essential role in skin hydration and firmness.

What aging signs can hyaluronic acid combat?

It can counteract wrinkles, fine lines, volume loss, and skin sagging caused by aging.

How does wrinkle filling with hyaluronic acid work?

It is injected into the dermis and subdermis to fill wrinkles and restore volume, thus reshaping facial contours and ovals.

How does an injection session proceed?

After applying potential numbing cream, the aesthetic physician uses needles or a cannula to inject the filler product into the treated areas. The treatment involves minimal discomfort.

What is the difference between hyaluronic acid injections and Botox?

Botulinum toxin (Botox) does not add volume; it acts on facial muscles to relax them. It is effective against dynamic wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid restores volume and provides hydration.

Which facial areas can be treated with hyaluronic acid?

In theory, all facial areas. Under-eye circles, cheekbones, marionette lines, hollow cheeks, eye contours, jawline, and lips are among the commonly treated facial zones.

Can skin sagging be treated with hyaluronic acid injections?

Yes, it can be used to treat skin sagging. By filling hollow areas, it helps restore lost volume and improve skin firmness.

Are filler products like hyaluronic acid naturally resorbable?

Yes, hyaluronic acid is naturally absorbed by the body, making its effects temporary. The lifespan of injected hyaluronic acid varies depending on the product used and the treated area, typically ranging from 6 to 24 months.

Are hyaluronic acid injections painful?

The injection itself might feel like a slight prick, but discomfort is generally minimal. For more sensitive areas like lips, numbing cream can be applied before the procedure to minimize discomfort.

Can hyaluronic acid be combined with other anti-aging solutions?

Yes, it can be combined with other anti-aging treatments such as Botox injections, peels, or mesotherapy for optimal facial rejuvenation effects.

What is the difference between a surgical facelift and treating wrinkles with hyaluronic acid?

A surgical facelift is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess skin and tighten the dermis to give a rejuvenated appearance. Hyaluronic acid injections, on the other hand, are non-surgical procedures designed to fill wrinkles and restore volume, giving a rejuvenating effect without the need for surgery. Depending on your individual situation, our specialists will advise you on the advantages and limitations of each method.